- Nemo: "I find that as I sleep in my latest years, I take refuge in creations of my mind. I do not like the lack of form and so I have indulged only in an orderly sequence of spheres such as this one, that lie through out the underground of my mind as they strive to bubble to the surface".
- You look through the items you have collected in anticipation of this feature you have heard about from other explorers.
- Any dream animation is seen by all in the sphere. So parties of explorers will want to gather up forces for a dream party.
- Dropping clears the steam cloud as it falls through the sphere - and lights up the sphere walls as it falls - fog could swirl outward to keep sides of sphere hidden - as the receding fog follows the artifact down. Each animation has different color such as blue light when water is poured by the explorer - blue is from Tibetan dream meditation exercise. Perhaps the waves of splash below splashes outward and when it comes back in it tosses the vision up or tossed up by a dolphin - vision forms as it climbs upward from the splash below (this is only chance to see carved sphere in entirety and is a prelude to the whole sphere theme to come).
- Artifacts could be anything fitting the various themes such as insects in amber (time, imprisonment).
- Example - Dropping a pearl produces a vision of the full moon panning down to waves covering the clams. Pearls being a product of creatures, of our lunar tides. Throw a pearl in and you get a vision of coming up to surface at high tide and moving to a small tidal pool with the moon in its reflection - could also get moon/tidal connections with moonstone or selenite as a nod to the association of crystals and dreaming.
- Example - A stone becoming a giant moon to walk around on?
- Example - If explorer drops water it produces a see though spherical crystal with fracture refracting light from below.
- Example - Example - Dirt could produce a personal flyby for explorers showing a place on the island the explorer has not visited yet. Or the dirt from any one part of the island gives an animation that is relevant to…
- Example - Drop a flower into the sphere and an animation of an orchid flower bending down to the ground and a caterpillar curls out and separates from the flower - unfurls drying of wings of a butterfly as the figure stretches and picks a petal from another smaller flower and continues obvious cycle animation
- Possible ideas - Make solid objects from the artifact dropping in dream sphere - first thing generated is lines that grow thicker and colored to merge in to solids? Kind of a digital effect though - make it more subtle? And also grounded in something old styled - perhaps fog condenses down to form the lines first and then the lines weave - interleaving - dream weaving - very cool animation possibilities - but probably better to morph out of the available steam and fog - perhaps the part of the island the artifact is from may influence the vision - visions might be better for animating by being shrouded or all else of the dream sphere if fogged. if one artifact is in motion then any others are frozen until the next one is done?
- When artifact is thrown up by a dolphin (jump up into the air) then condensation sphere could disapear. Combinations of artifacts dropped at same time or in order to get new response in the wishing well?
Keep Following the Trail..