- later on in exploration of island the participant will find features like this after the sub and dirigible are attained - further along the cliff going north-west are some animal corrals using the cliff as one side of the containment and parallels the symbolism of the enclosure of the bonsai - fits in with the development of the bunker complex and maybe evidence of very crops supporting Nemo's bunker complex
- different ambient sound from day to night and quieter in the transition times - when lighting is magic hour - around the entrance to Nemo's Bunker are some dilapidated first generation military tanks done in a Nemo style - overgrown with jungle - don't see them until they start to move - with a surreal animation the tanks start moving and transforming into giant black beetles and brown beetles battling each other - clicking clashing, squeaking (kind of a classic out of the old 50's movies which were borne of authors like Jules Verne) - horned beetles locked in combat with lightning flashing (temporary weather just for the surreal sequences - suddenly disappear afterward) scarred up and broken, the beetles transform back into tanks - so moments when they are half metal and twisted - animation continues as the jungle grows back over in quick time - and then sudden quiet
- see rain and wind gusts dapple the moon's reflection among the pools of water held in the carapaces of battle - muddy swamp place - at night the tanks animate back and forth (possibly by lightning) between dilapidated tanks to beetle shells and unconnected limbs
- maybe a hand scrawled message/poem on one of the tanks along the lines "are all things are forever in combat"
- tank poem glows at night - can’t miss it - when you go up close and read it - maybe reading it aloud makes the passive transformation happen - make the structure so the participant has to get close enough that they can't see the tank in front of them change to beetle carcass and vice versa
- giant land crab game - good one for a party of people to tackle - to get some protected artifact - trying to sneak past giant crabs - have to move slow and listen to detect crabs and freeze when they are in vicinity - if caught then thrown back to outer edge of their domain radius - trees with plenty of branches touching or coming within vertical reach over and other branches is viable for a short distance to stay out of reach of crabs - until an alarm bird attracts attention of land crabs - perhaps an area of rocks that gets you halfway there by hiding between them - you will end up with the classic adventure scene where the creatures claws are trying to reach you through the gaps - if in a safe spot then may have to use other participants to distract crabs so you can penetrate further into the target - this is a great non game that makes for team work by distracting crabs - simplest game possible - cat and mouse
- sound of a crab moving through the brush and seeing the trees swaying as it makes its way past would lend to some decisions
- kind of a sly cross reference here - with giant beetles and giant crabs - they are both territorial games - but one of them is fun and the connection is true to human character
- lightning strike produces fire source or at least the beauty of fire - be a cool one to watch after the storm from the cliff house - maybe see surreal visions in the fire
Keep Following the Trail..