Chat has not been fully exploited and yet it is already a proven model. The video game industry is dominated by big dogs for good reason. But in the themed chat world? There is room for everyone to participate in creating themed wonders that are expected to push the boundaries and evolve over time. And updating is a process that is easier every year.
The2 downloads will always be the heart and strength of the Nemo's Mind strategy. It is the gateway and the teaching tool. Those that learn something from the Nemo's Mind discord will come back to give back, and attach their name. If we maintain and refresh the 2 downloads as we experiment for the chat world product, then they will always strengthen our brand. The the ultimate cyber symbiosis.
The video game minded developer may not get it immediately. Having amazing graphics and then being able to lean into a snow storm or tumble down a river in an impromptu race with your chat companions...environments not limited to reality. If movies are for the masses then why not bring cinematic beauty that is interactive?
The primary theme of Nemo's Mind allows room for just about any creative interaction. The island in this project is our mind. In this example Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea can range from the historically grounded oppression (slave trade) from the Jules Verne novel to the radioactive products of the 50's movies spawned from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and then branch off other Jules Verne themes such as the Journey to the Center of the World.
Even though we chase cinematic quality we are not concentrating on hyper realism rendering. We want the dramatic and the beauty we can take from the highest quality assets: the painting, the storms, the interactive. Trees don't stay put. Cliffs are unrealistic but amazing. Overdone lighting, translucency, movement, energy. Dramatic. Surreal. The canvas, the composition..all together, I refer to it as the Unreal light.
The Nemo's Mind project has waited a quarter of a century for an engine that can fulfill 2 criteria. First, a platform that can technically be a one person operation. Meaning a simplified operation unlike the 100 person teams of the past. Second, the rendering quality has to surpass the video game and match up with the people's expectations for cinema quality beauty. An additional bonus is all of the assets on the marketplace. A few peeps can do more than ever. Unreal 5 is the answer to Nemo's Mind.
The individual chat worlds can be relevant a century later and have everlasting nostalgia beyond that. Their names will be house hold names. And our names will be forever attached in its digital signatures. A chat world never has to be finished. It could be initially put into service with disconnected terrains that sew up over the years...
For instance infusing Nemo's Mind with social themes of oppression. One strategy to enlarge the projects reach is with a connected social cause. One can argue all human oppression begins with the global oppression of women. The predominant theme of Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea is slavery and suppression of humanity and nature. So this is a theme that could be a part of the island as a subject for future chatters.
the island
on the ocean of your mind
under the surface
a collective sub-conscious few discover
surreal fantastic technological exotic
a living island
a global collective consciousness
the psyche's refuge
a construct of conflict
the troubled humanism versus slavery and oppression
the mind of Jules Verne and his most famous creation Nemo
like hand coloring yesterday's photos.. we are painting the worlds of tomorrow & Nemo's Mind Discord
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